DLBP presents at ARAD event

DLBP's Director of Planning, Andrew Ryley, was pleased to present at ARAD's (Association of Rooftop & Airspace Development) event earlier this week with a briefing on the latest town planning updates important for rooftop and airspace development.

Andrew’s presentation provided ARAD members with an overview of the latest planning updates relating to the Government's recent consultation on changes to Permitted Development Rights for airspace development.

Andrew's presentation also covered other potential changes to Permitted Development Rights, commercial to residential Permitted Development Rights, the end of the Four Year Rule for regularising development, and the Government's suggested change to National Policy which seeks to encourage more housing development on previously developed brownfield land.

Thank you to Kelly Harrison at Whitby Wood for your insightful presentation.

Thanks also to ARAD for organising, Four Agency Worldwide for hosting and, of course, all those that attended.

If you are interested in airspace developments or any of the matters covered by Andrew's presentation, please contact him at andrewryley@dlbp.uk or on 07833290753‬‬.