DLBP secures permission for multi-use 80 bedroom care home, 4 close care apartments and 9 residential apartments at the former Eastleigh Police Station

Eastleigh Borough Council

Redevelopment of a prominent town centre site comprising the locally listed former Police Station while addressing concerns regarding nitrogen deposition from new developments into The Solent

How we helped and added value:
Our client initially approached us to advise on the development potential of the site, which comprised the main former Police Station (a locally listed building) and several associated outbuildings and former police houses on the edge of Eastleigh town centre. We identified that the site had capacity for a care home (our client’s intended development), but that its size also meant that there was an opportunity include some additional, separate, residential development to add value to the scheme.

Working alongside the architect, we carried out investigations into the heritage value of the former Police Station to establish its value and to identify which parts would be retained within the proposal. We also led on pre-application discussions with the Council, as well as presentations to Design Review Panels, a pre-application presentation to the Eastleigh Local Area Committee, and a public consultation event to seek feedback from neighbouring residents and business (including a school).

During the course of the project, Natural England issued advice for all applications in Hampshire stating that planning permission could not be granted for development which resulted in an increased amount of nitrogen (via wastewater) entering the Solent Special Protection Area (a European-level ecology designation). Our application was caught by this, meaning that the project could proceed no further unless a solution was found to reduce the level of nitrogen (to at least a ‘neutral’ level) and satisfy Natural England. We responded quickly to work with the technical team and the Council to find such a solution, including exploring options of on-site treatment. After further discussions we agreed to provide a contribution to the Council to secure capacity at an “offset site” which satisfied Natural England and allowed the application to proceed.

We presented at the Eastleigh Local Area Committee, securing a resolution to grant full planning permission for the care home, close care apartments and residential development. When then negotiated further with the Council to ensure that the conditions attached to the planning permission allowed for the care home and close care apartments to be built separately to the residential apartments, so preventing any issues around delivery.