DLBP's engagement with the local community

DLBP staff members are continuously improving their expertise in different areas of planning.  DLBP recently attended a RTPI webinar that focused on 'Politics in Planning’ - of course, this is one of the 10 competencies that all RTPI members must demonstrate throughout their career.

The session focussed particularly on how poor engagement or representation of a community can create major issues for progressing a development proposal.  There is often mistrust from the public about the planning sector when it comes to their voices being heard.  It is important for local councillors to represent their community in a way that best gets across the general consensus of an application, regardless of whether this is for or against a proposal.  But this also demonstrates why it is equally - if not more - important for planners to engage with local residents to inform them exactly what the proposed development is, why it is being proposed, and the benefits that it can bring to the wider community.  

In turn, DLBP listens to the views of the local community and feed this into the design process.  

DLBP proactively engages with local residents and councillors (at all levels) from an early stage of the planning application process.  For example, we often hold meetings with MPs, ward councillors, and planning committees, as well as in-person and online public consultation events with residents to have an opportunity to discuss a proposed development.  The Council’s Planning Teams can then have visibility on the engagement work undertaken, and how this has shaped the proposed, as DLBP prepares detailed Statements of Community Involvement to support planning applications. 

If you are seeking some advice about how to engage with the local community, please contact Amy Paterson at amypaterson@dlbp.uk or on 020 3713 8509 to find out how DLBP can help.