DLBP secures permission for changes at a 3-storey property in Southwest London

London Borough of Richmond-upon-Thames

Securing minor material amendments for internal changes to facilitate improved communal space and reduce on-site parking and navigating the complex interplay between the various conditions attached to the original permission.

How we helped and added value:
We prepared a Section 73 application to amend the ground floor layout of the site at 18-22 Church Street, Hampton. We set out the planning argument and justified the proposed changes to the scheme in the Planning Statement and we regularly liaised with the case officer for updates on consultation responses throughout.

The new permission we secured for the site has meant that the internal changes to the ground floor to facilitate improved communal space and reduce the on-site parking spaces have now been approved by the Council. We also ensured that there is no further need to ‘re-discharge’ the cycle and refuse storage details and Construction Management Plan, both of which were approved in previous discharge of conditions applications. We did this by altering the wording of the conditions to turn them into ‘compliance’ conditions to ensure that development would take place in accordance with the updated plans/details, thus avoiding any conflict with the conditions attached to the original permission and ensuring the approved plans were consistent with our client’s development aspirations.