The Appeal Process

At DLBP, we have a strong track record in taking applications to appeal and winning.  As planning becomes ever more politically sensitive, local authorities are more and more likely to refuse applications even where the planning case is strong and well-made.

We have established relationships with some of the leading planning silks at the English bar, and with a wide range of leading expert witnesses. We also provide our own planning expert witness service.

The Planning Inspectorate deals with a wide range of issues including planning appeals, national infrastructure planning applications and examinations of local plans across England and Wales.

Based in both Bristol and Cardiff, the Planning Inspectorate have approximately 700 members of staff who make decisions, and provide recommendations and advice on a range of planning-related issues.

A Local Planning Authority will either approve or refuse a planning application.  If an application is refused, you can appeal the decision to the Planning Inspectorate or if a decision for an application is not given within the determination period (8 or 13 weeks) you can appeal against non-determination of the application.

To make an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate, this will need to be submitted through the Appeals Casework Portal. The following documents will need to be submitted:

  • the complete pack of documents submitted with the original application;

  • the site ownership certificate;

  • the local planning authority’s decision notice – if they did not make a decision, submit a copy of the letter acknowledging your application;

  • all plans, drawings and documents you sent to the local planning authority; and

  • your statement of case including any other documentation to support your appeal.

  • There are three different planning appeal procedures you can follow which are listed in the table below. When submitting an appeal, the appellant requests which procedure they would like to follow. If this is agreed by the Council then the requested procedure is followed, however, if not agreed by the Council, it is up to the Inspector as to which procedure should be followed.

The most up-to-date appeal procedures can be found at this link below.
